EVP & Custom job site

Convince candidates with a powerful Employee Value Proposition

30 minutes to explore the software.


Your job site is a key tool to transform potential visitors into candidates.

While other ATS might ask you to take care of this stage, our in-house job-site developer and recruitment experts are here to create a full custom job site, completely matching your branding & corporate identity and thus with a lot less limitations than the customizable templates of most competitors. We also ensure to optimize the visibility and accessibility of the open jobs.

Matching your corporate identity and showcasing your Employee Value Proposition to attract more candidates

Attractive content: videos, employer value proposition, employee testimonials, job listings filtered as you want, spontaneous application forms, GDPR compliance… 

Optimized visibility of your job openings thanks to its structure, SEO and automatic integration with LinkedIn, Google for Jobs, Indeed and all job boards

Recruitment & communication expertise to advise, guide & support you through the whole process

Your job site can also be accessible for people with special needs.

Short delivery time thanks to our own inhouse front-end design team.

Some of the job sites we created:

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Want to improve your job site?

Candidates choose powerful Employee Value Propositions

Your EVP is therefore critical to your recruitment success. You need to think about the reasons why people should choose to join your company.

What is an EVP?

An EVP is the value created by the employer that is perceived by the employees in exchange for their work. Ideally your EVP should be strong enough to differentiate vs other companies. The key questions to answer are:

  • how do you answer the needs of today’s talents
  • what make people choose your company over your competitors
  • how do you evaluate this value and its perception
  • how do you communicate to candidates, managers, employees and the outside world

What is our approach?

We have a very flexible approach as we adapt to your company needs. We are able to work at both levels:


  1. Create or strengthen your employee value proposition
    We structure the EVP using a simple framework based on 6 pillars. This structure helps us identify the key elements to focus on and the key strengths we can use to create engagement and loyalty. The deliverable is then to define one overall theme and determine which pillar will support the theme. We also come with concrete recommendations re how you can differentiate vs your competition and how you can reinforce your EVP in the future
  1. Implement the EVP on the various channels

    Our marketing team and IT development experts are able to help in the improvement of your job site, the development of templates for your job ads and even the setup of social media campaigns…The choice is yours!

Our principles?

We adhere to 2 key principles :

  • Flexibility: we adapt our approach to your company’s setup, objectives & challenges
  • Authenticity: we do not create an EVP from scratch, everything is based on candidate or employee’s insights.

Interested in improving your EVP?

Discover our e-book


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